
Album solo d'Adrian BELEW (KING CRIMSON) en vue !
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Auteur:  The Ancestor Of Metal [ 18 Jan 2005 9:39 ]
Sujet du message:  Album solo d'Adrian BELEW (KING CRIMSON) en vue !

Vu sur http://www.dprp.net :

"Adrian Belew: Primus bass guitarist Les Claypool and Tool drummer Danny Carey joined Adrian in the recording of his latest solo project, as a stripped-down hard rock core. To complement the 'power trio' motif, a total of three releases (titled "Side One", "Side Two", and "Side Three") are planned thrpough Sanctuary Records. The first of this trilogy is slated for January 25, 2005.
According to Adrian, 'In a power trio you almost have to overplay. It forces ingenuity and puts a lot of pressure on each player but I enjoy that. I like the focus of three people. What's challenging as the vocalist and guitarist is that sometimes I am triggering guitar loops while I'm playing. We call it 'belewps.' I'm my own rhythm guitar player!"
He continues to elaborate on the three discs, 'For "Side Two" I wanted to work in the 'D.J.' form using drum loops and synthesizer pads but adding elements usually missing from that music...The third record, "Side Three," is more eclectic, a variety of ideas that wasn't appropriate for either "Side One" or "Side Two." Les and Danny return for two more songs on "Side Three"'.
Belew - who has worked with the likes of Frank Zappa, David Bowie, Nine Inch Nails and Porcupine Tree - also painted the intriguing abstract cover artwork for all three records.
A tour will follow the release of "Side One." Belew will likely look for an unknown bass guitarist and drummer. He wants to give undiscovered talents a break, much like Zappa did for him.
Visit Adian Belew.net.

Auteur:  Monstermetal [ 18 Jan 2005 10:12 ]
Sujet du message: 

ah ouais Les Claypool et Danny Carey, ya du beau monde 8-)

Mais avec ça, on est pas prêt de voir debarquer les nouveaux albums de Primus et de Tool :grrr:

Auteur:  Drunkazfuk [ 07 Mar 2005 19:18 ]
Sujet du message:  In the court of the crimson kiiiiiing

ah ça c'est pas un mal lol( nan chui mechant !! mdr)
Mais belew reste un veritable MONSTRE musical, et apparemment il a pas choisi des manchots pour s'entourer suis curieux d'ecouter...

Auteur:  Monstermetal [ 07 Mar 2005 20:08 ]
Sujet du message: 

Je crois qu'il est sortit ce disque d'ailleurs....

Auteur:  Drunkazfuk [ 08 Mar 2005 18:28 ]
Sujet du message: 

je viens d'ecouter ... le coté " primus " me derange un peu mais c'est pas mal du tout , harmoniquement c'est meme plutot terrible.....a approfondir.. :roll:

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