
Rush - Clockwork Angels
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Auteur:  noise [ 08 Fév 2010 9:47 ]
Sujet du message:  Rush - Clockwork Angels

Le groupe se remet au taf et c'est une excellente nouvelle

Darryl Sterdan of QMI Agency recently conducted an interview with RUSH drummer Neil Peart. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

QMI Agency: What's happening with RUSH? I read on your blog that you were going to meet in November to discuss your future. What happened?

Peart: Well, in fact, we've just started working on new material. So we plan to get some writing and recording done. And we're considering doing everything this year — maybe even a bit of touring. We are in action. And we feel a bit liberated by the state of the music business. Even since 2006, when we started "Snakes & Arrows", the album has become less significant in these times of iTunes and shuffle settings and whatnot. But perhaps we can take advantage of that and work in a whole different way. So we decided, when we did meet, that we're not constrained by the patterns of the past, where you spend a year writing and recording, and the next year touring. Anything's possible now; we can record a couple of songs and put them out and then go on tour if we want. So at this point, we're just embarking on writing, but keeping ourselves open to all those other possibilities. One of our early titles for this year was "Research and Development". That's where we’re at.

QMI Agency: So you might start making music in smaller increments?

Peart: Or larger. I went to see a band called PORCUPINE TREE not long ago. And I was talking with (singer-guitarist) Steven Wilson. They just put out a 55-minute piece. That's a finger to the whole iTunes shuffle thing, and he intended it as such. And I thought, "Yeah, that's another way of rebelling against it — by just saying no." There's too much lost in giving up the integrity of an album — what it represents to you as a musician, and as a human being, for that matter. So I like that approach. That's very possible for a band like us. So there are no limitations; we might go big or we might go small.

QMI Agency: Tell me about the new material — are there songs, or is it just ideas at this point?

Peart: Oh, we just literally started. There's nothing to tell, really, except that we're doing it.

QMI Agency: Yours doesn't strike me as a band where someone comes in with an entire song. I imagine there’s a lot of back and forth.

Peart: Remarkably so, yeah. We're so unique in that regard — all three of us are equally involved. I tend just to give them a whole bunch of lyrics. I don't walk in and say, "Here's the song I just wrote, what do you think?" I give them choices, and genuine opportunities to respond. Geddy and Alex are getting together now on the musical side, so I just sent them a whole bunch of lyrical ideas. Anything they respond to, I'll get inspired by. That's what I've found in the past; if Geddy says, "I like these four lines," that to me is great. It's not a rejection of the rest of it; it's that those four lines happened to reach him. So I'll build on that.

Auteur:  noise [ 20 Mai 2010 5:56 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush au travail

Un single arrive, Caravan


According to Amazon.com, a new RUSH single, "Caravan", will be made available for digital download on June 1. Also listed on the site is the b-side cut entitled "BU2B". The songs can be purchased together (with a digital PDF booklet included) or separately. It's not clear if/when a CD single version will be released for purchase, although a CD version will be included with the RUSH VIP pre-sale ticket packages being sold for the band's upcoming "Time Machine" tour, reports the RUSH fan site RushIsABand.com.

RUSH is currently working on its 20th studio album with producer Nick Raskulinecz (co-producer of RUSH's 2007 CD, "Snakes & Arrows") in Nashville.

Auteur:  noise [ 06 Juin 2010 12:26 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Et le voilà ce single

Auteur:  Monstermetal [ 08 Juin 2010 10:53 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Même commentaire que pour Maiden : c'est moi ou ça fait depuis un bail que le groupe n'avait plus fait de trucs aussi heavy ?

En tout cas ça s'annonce plutôt bien et si pour l'occase ils pouvaient passer en Europe ça serait parfait. Ptêtre pas en France, faut pas rêver, mais un passage en Allemagne (et pas à l'autre bout de la grosse Deutschland cette fois), Belgique ou Luxembourg ça serait le pied !

En tout cas je ne connais pas beaucoup de groupes qui semblent en aussi bonne forme pour leur 20ème album studio.

Auteur:  noise [ 08 Juin 2010 12:20 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Y a une rumeur pour un Bercy, je croise tout les doigts possibles

Auteur:  Dark Schtroumph [ 08 Juin 2010 12:38 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

RUSH à bercy? pour un groupe qui doit vendre 3 albums par an en France, j'ai du mal à y croire...

Auteur:  Heavy REM [ 08 Juin 2010 13:07 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Avec Maiden en première partie alors…

Auteur:  tontonfranck [ 09 Juin 2010 15:41 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Alléchant ces titres!! Du pur Rush des 20 dernières années.

Auteur:  noise [ 12 Oct 2010 5:45 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Bon pour le disque, va falloir être assez patient

A new video interview with bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee of the Canadian rock trio RUSH conducted by Brazil's TV UOL can be viewed below. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow.

On the next RUSH studio album:

Geddy: "The new album is still in production. We've recorded two songs so far, one of them called 'Caravan' and the other one called 'Brought Up To Believe' ['BU2B']. That's the beginning two songs of a whole kind of a concept album called 'Clockwork Angels'. We have about four other songs... five songs written, but not recorded yet. And we still have a couple of more songs that we want to write and then put the whole thing together. So I don't think the album will be ready for about a year."

Auteur:  tontonfranck [ 12 Oct 2010 15:23 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Ouais, ils ont attaqué cet été une tournée qui semble cartonner et qui va arrêter à la fin de l'année. Il ne faut pas compter sur eux pour entrer directement en studio dés le début de 2011.
Si l'album sortait à l'automne prochain je serais satisfait.
En tout cas je ne les imagine pas trop venir en France mais je me ferai un devoir d'aller les voir dans un pays limitrophe!

Auteur:  tontonfranck [ 17 Oct 2010 17:04 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

A propos de l'interview de G Lee dont parle Noise et visible ici , il y a une partie intéressante qui sous entend (ben voyons) la sortie d'un live concernant la tournée de cette année qui reprend moving pictures (*) dans sa totalité :gaga:

(*) et donc les classiques Tom Sawyer XYZ & Limelight plus l'un de mes titres favoris du groupe Witch hunt (sujet toujours d'actualité: comment manipuler les foules en attisant leurs peurs)

Auteur:  noise [ 11 Avr 2012 15:10 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Il aura fallu être très patient mais il arrive le 12/06


"Clockwork Angels" track listing:

01. Caravan
02. BU2B
03. Clockwork Angels
04. The Anarchist
05. Carnies
06. Halo Effect
07. Seven Cities Of Gold
08. The Wreckers
09. Headlong Flight
10. BU2B2
11. Wish Them Well
12. The Garden

Legendary rock band RUSH has unveiled details of its highly anticipated, new album, "Clockwork Angels". This is the renowned trio's first new collection of original material in over five years and their first studio release via Anthem/Roadrunner Records. "Clockwork Angels", the band's 20th studio album, will be released on June 12.

The recording of "Clockwork Angels" began in April 2010 with Grammy Award-winning producer Nick Raskulinecz (FOO FIGHTERS, DEFTONES) — who also collaborated with the band on their last studio album, 2007's "Snakes & Arrows". RUSH co-produced both records. The first two songs, "Caravan" and "BU2B", were completed during that first session at Nashville's Blackbird studios and performed nightly during the wildly successful Time Machine Tour, which ran from June 2010 to June 2011. Work on "Clockwork Angels" resumed in the fall of 2011 at Revolution Recording in Toronto after the tour's finale, with additional strings (arranged by David Campbell) recorded at Hollywood's Ocean Way Studios earlier this year. Lyrically, "Clockwork Angels" chronicles a young man's quest across a lavish and colorful world of steampunk and alchemy as he attempts to follow his dreams. The story features lost cities, pirates, anarchists, an exotic carnival, and a rigid Watchmaker who imposes precision on every aspect of daily life. The novelization of "Clockwork Angels" is being written by science fiction writer Kevin J. Anderson in collaboration with RUSH drummer and lyricist Neil Peart.

Auteur:  fredouille [ 11 Avr 2012 18:55 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Intéressant ça ! Merci pour la news Noise. :clin:
Allez l'OM ! :D

Auteur:  betrayer/renewal [ 11 Avr 2012 19:11 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

vivement l'écoute de ce nouveau rush.

Auteur:  Monsieur de Rastignac [ 12 Avr 2012 1:33 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Le moins qu'on puisse dire, c'est qu'ils auront bien mis leur temps pour le faire, celui-ci. Mais bon, les deux premiers extraits étaient carrément pas dégueulasses, donc ça vaut le coup de patienter encore un petit peu pour peaufiner encore tout ça...

Sinon, je trouve l'idée du roman plutôt originale et bienvenue, ça peut servir de chouette complément à l'album...

Auteur:  noise [ 19 Avr 2012 7:02 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels


Auteur:  noise [ 22 Avr 2012 0:49 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Je le remet avec sa pochette


Auteur:  The Ancestor Of Metal [ 22 Avr 2012 10:30 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Pas mal ce morceau... J'suis pas trop amateur de RUSH, mais p'tête que je l'écouterai ce nouvel album.

Auteur:  tontonfranck [ 28 Avr 2012 20:44 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Hmmmm... à écouter en effet!!!

Auteur:  Fishbowlman [ 28 Avr 2012 23:53 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Rush - Clockwork Angels

Bof ce titre, rien de nouveau depuis Counterparts et Test for echo, toujours le même son, le même style de riffs... sauf que c'est moins bon.

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