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 David Gilmour - Luck And Strange 
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
Messages: 25589
Localisation: Cambrai
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Message David Gilmour - Luck And Strange

David Gilmour today announced his new album "Luck And Strange", to be released on September 6 via Sony Music. The first track from the album, "The Piper's Call", will be released this Thursday, April 25, following a world exclusive first play on the BBC Radio 2 "Breakfast Show".

"Luck And Strange" was recorded over five months in Brighton and London and is Gilmour's first album of new material in nine years. The record was produced by David and Charlie Andrew, best known for his work with ALT-J and Marika Hackman. Of this new working relationship, David says: "We invited Charlie to the house, so he came and listened to some demos, and said things like, 'Well, why does there have to be a guitar solo there?' and 'Do they all fade out? Can't some of them just end?' He has a wonderful lack of knowledge or respect for this past of mine. He's very direct and not in any way overawed, and I love that. That is just so good for me because the last thing you want is people just deferring to you."

It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

24 Avr 2024 19:03
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Ce mec a floodé, je l'ai vu !
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Inscription: 14 Mar 2004 20:49
Messages: 25589
Localisation: Cambrai
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It's the nexus of the crisis and the origin of storms

25 Avr 2024 23:57
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